Marchione unveils new Steel String Acoustic

HOUSTON, TX – March 30, 2015 – (GuitarPR) – Stephen Marchione of Marchione Guitars has just unveiled his new line of Steel String Acoustic Guitars. These new instruments offer a sublime blend of grace and power with the tone and volume to fully engage both player and audience.

The materials and craftsmanship of the Steel String rise above the crowd, using well-aged loft dried tone woods, all hide glue construction, planed joints and premium bone or estate ivory fittings. These guitars have an extraordinary feel when played and this is what fully captivates a player, allowing musical motifs to flow freely.

“While the design is my own, I developed my Steel String with insights I’ve gained over 25 years of building Archtop and Classical guitars,” says Marchione, whose extensive skills have allowed him to create and build a wide variety of instruments that also include solid body electrics and semi-hollow guitars all the way to gorgeous violins.

Marchione’s new Steel String Acoustic guitars can be ordered direct and more information is available at

About Marchione Guitars

Marchione Guitars is based in Houston, Texas. Stephen Marchione began his career as a guitar maker in 1990 and in the last 25 years has designed and built over 400 custom instruments for clients all over the world. Guitars, basses, violins and more have been delivered to and are played today by many well-known and respected artists such as Mark Whitfied, Mike Moreno, Paul Kogut, Faton Macula, Fabrizio Sotti and many others.


Stephen Marchione

HOUSTON, TX – March 30, 2015 – (GuitarPR) – Stephen Marchione of Marchione Guitars has just unveiled his new line of Steel String Acoustic Guitars. These new instruments offer a sublime blend of grace and power with the tone and volume to fully engage both player and audience.

The materials and craftsmanship of the Steel String rise above the crowd, using well-aged loft dried tone woods, all hide glue construction, planed joints and premium bone or estate ivory fittings. These guitars have an extraordinary feel when played and this is what fully captivates a player, allowing musical motifs to flow freely.

“While the design is my own, I developed my Steel String with insights I’ve gained over 25 years of building Archtop and Classical guitars,” says Marchione, whose extensive skills have allowed him to create and build a wide variety of instruments that also include solid body electrics and semi-hollow guitars all the way to gorgeous violins.

Marchione’s new Steel String Acoustic guitars can be ordered direct and more information is available at

About Marchione Guitars

Marchione Guitars is based in Houston, Texas. Stephen Marchione began his career as a guitar maker in 1990 and in the last 25 years has designed and built over 400 custom instruments for clients all over the world. Guitars, basses, violins and more have been delivered to and are played today by many well-known and respected artists such as Mark Whitfied, Mike Moreno, Paul Kogut, Faton Macula, Fabrizio Sotti and many others.


Stephen Marchione

Published On: March 30th, 2015Categories: Guitars0 Comments on Marchione unveils new Steel String AcousticTags: ,